
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


... while you wait for straight sticks to sing.

may you find peace in the stillness of knowing he is God

and you are not.

Though your faith may be shaken,

may it not be shattered.

(found here)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

There was beauty
and the promise of a new season.

There was generational continuity

and creatures great

and small.

There were girls...

lots of funny, bright, inquisitive, beautiful girls.

celebrating a birthday.

There was good food
and cake... 'cause all princesses love cake!

There were male children, both stoic

and silly.
It was a comfort.
Back to the day shift... and our lives without either the obligations with my mother or the joy of Jack.

This brief break helped with the transition though - and I'm grateful.

I'm besotted

I won't deny it.

And, even though I know it can't last,

I'm determined to enjoy
all the fleeting beauty I can
while they're here.

Just glancing around the house
and seeing them
has lifted my heart...

and makes my camera
VERY happy!

I'm heeding friends advice and taking it easy

except for listening to the news
which I should never do
unless I want my blood pressure
to reach stroke level
and, except for going to work
which has the same effect...

come to think of it,
let me rephrase...
I'm doing the best I can !

But I can do better,

I'm headed 'up North'
to be with extended family -
my real family -

the brother I inherited
when I married,
his wife, my true sister,
and their 6 children...
and their children,

ones who have been there,
through disagreements,

The ones whose love for me runs true and deep.

It will be going home - even if I never lived there.

I live in their hearts, they in mine,
and that makes it 'home'.

Trust me,
I know exactly how blessed I am
to have them!

I'll be back in a few days.