
Sunday, September 20, 2015

On the Move

Even as I write, 
the oldest boy is headed West.
His belongings culled from a packed 5,000 sq ft loft
to a packed small truck;
reduced down to the basics;
ready for a new chapter in CA.

His younger brother
decided to change residences as well.

Same town, different location;
different level of responsibility.

He and his wife are homeowners!

 and over the moon excited!
Man cave, anyone?
All this coming and going
is exhausting to behold.

 - still here -
focusing on taking it all in;
sharing the joy, fear and excitement
and enjoying the small miracles
every day.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Just asking

He's slimy - 
even without the bozo hair! 
When will this freak show of 'all things Trump'
lose its appeal with the media?

When will they stop shoving him 
down our throats?

(Which may be the wrong expression 
since it conjures images I do NOT want to have -
but you get the gist.)

Monday, September 7, 2015

And it was ...

even if there was family to help

 roses to make me feel better

and knowing how excited he is 
for all the new adventures to come.

"If there ever is tomorrow when we're not together

 there is something you must always remember. 
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

But the most important thing is, 
even if we're apart... 
I'll always be with you.” 
A.A. Milne
I love you, Mike.
Vaya con Dios,

Saturday, September 5, 2015


It would seem as though the significance of the day had been forgotten.

After all, it came and went
with nary a reminder, post or mention on social media 
which as you know, for some folks,
means it didn’t happen.

It DID though;
28 years ago,
which in the grand scheme of the cosmos
is but the blink of an eye.

I remembered;
I cried about it across South Dakota and Iowa.
Your death continues to impact 
those who were left behind.

Leaving us incrementally didn’t help.

You mattered.
You are missed.
You are remembered.
You were, and are, loved.
December 24, 1947 - August 30, 1987

Thursday, September 3, 2015


For as much as I enjoy attending the Rosebud Fair, 
it’s really the vast stillness and peace of the plains 
that I love about my time in South Dakota.
It reminds me of peering 
across seemingly endless expanses of sea 
toward the horizon, 
without any man-made structures 
competing with the natural beauty 
and majesty that’s on display.

It reduces me to size; 
reminding me of my importance, 
or lack thereof, 
in the grand scheme of things.

It’s humbling – 
and most of us can stand being taken down a peg
or two – 
or ten.
I sat for a long time in a favorite spot, 
and, as always ,
rolling around inside me
like a marble in an empty tin can,
is the question of whether I’m called 
to live on the reservation, 
among these people, 
for an undefined time, 
for reasons as yet unknown.
At one point, 
I could almost hear God laughing – 
or maybe it was bird chatter – 
which may actually be the same thing. 

How many different ways can you dance around the “No”?

I was immediately flooded with a sense of relief.

I usually hate ‘No”; 
I’m oppositional enough to take it as a personal challenge.

But, more than ever before, 
this trip helped me understand 
that while I’m free to love this place, 
these people,
and, while I’ll continue to work on all the forms of ministry 
I’ve been part of on Rosebud,
this is NOT where I’m being called to live.
This time, 
more than ever before,
I'm okay with that.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I have a whole love/hate relationship to carnivals.
I love
hearing the excitement in peoples voices,
the shrieks,
the laughter;
I love
the games of chance 
(which you KNOW are rigged),

I love the overall ambiance.
Ok, I'll admit it;
I even love the food - 
even if I restrained myself
this time!

The smell alone was intoxicating - 
come on, what's not to like 
about sugar and grease!

I even love the barely contained disdain of those forced to ride the kiddie rides 
when they wanted the more exciting stuff!
(Is it me, or does this little one look like a Kardashian?)

My responses to the rides however
range from simply no
 no thanks,
 get serious
 no way
 not even
 and Hell No!

As much as I love speed,
I'll stick to one of these,
thank you very much.

 And it wasn't lost on me how naturally San Francisco 
seems to follow Kansas City!

It must be a genuine thing!

Come to think of it though,
my vertigo would be set off by even the simplest ride;
I'll just sit and watch.