
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Details, details, details

I know the previous post gave an overview of the sights of Pow- wow 
but I'm not sure the images convey the exquisite craftsmanship of the regalia,
the hours of work going into each piece;
these are wearable works of art.

I tried to tamp down my OCD when I noticed this belt was put on upside down!

I guess, in the midst of all this perfection,
I can overlook one mistake!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Soak in the color and beauty

Without further ado,
here are images of the 140th Rosebud Fair and Wacipi (Pow-wow).
 I literally took hundreds of pictures
so there's no way I can share them all;
besides a professional photographer on the reservation
(his website is found here)
took some images that are just breathtaking,
so this post is a mix of mine and his as well.

As far as I'm concerned, 
the visual overload is worth it!

Just looking at the pictures again brings it all back.
I could watch the dancing for hours! 
People watching at its best - and certainly brightest!

I'm back

Although maybe NOT oriented to time, date and location!

It was a beautiful whirlwind of a weekend.

I'll start editing photos tonight and posting soon.

I'm having re-entry whiplash;
those of you who drive hundreds of miles 
compressed over several days will understand!

  I'll just stand in one place for a bit
get back to work
and try to remember
deep cleansing breaths of fresh air.