
Monday, February 26, 2018

Seeing outside the box

I LOVE the idea of having an aquarium;
even if I hadn't seen 
and been fascinated by "The Shape of Water",
there's something so beautiful and 'fluid' about watching creatures move
in the sea or a reasonable facsimile.

But, hand to God, 
I don't want to take on ANY responsibility 
for one more living thing.

Looking around the house over the weekend,
it occurred to me I already had many of the basics I needed.
 No movement -
but plenty to smile about 
and, at my age,
that's a worthy trade off.

It works for me.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A heady mix, indeed

Youthful exuberance
The passion of a ‘just cause’
A growing understanding that life isn’t fair 
Increasing Rage because it should be
First - or second hand – trauma
The whole gestalt of news and print media fixated on their every word.

I can only hope the teenagers in FLA are also surrounded
by grounded adults 
who will help them through their grief,
and comfort them 
when the enormity of the obstacles they’re up against starts to dawn.

It simply doesn’t take one week of protests
to change decades of policy;
even what feels like a tipping point
can be swung back 
with the other heady mix
of money, power and tradition.

Attention by the press doesn’t make you an activist;
it may be a start;
but it takes years of showing up to vote 
in every election,
decades of life choices about vocation, 
how to spend your money,
what you value and honor with your time,
the people with whom you surround yourself etc.
Not only the intrinsic sadness of the situation 
but recognition of the monolith
 that keeps us imprisoned 
in a death loving culture
has been exhausting to witness this week

I am SO far removed from their innocence and passion…
living proof today that life can wear you down.

My heart aches.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

In uncertain times

* hold tight to those you love!
(Luckily, its time for another sleepover at Nanny's)
* and travel!
I just made plans to go to Santa Fe next month,
see my oldest son 
and try to get a sense of his new life.
I must say he's giving me plenty of chances 
to see different parts of the country! 
(The extra grey hair is all a bonus, right?)

I've gotten a succulent garden started to acknowledge this new chapter for him.
Frankly, I give it 4 months before I kill it with over watering -
but hope springs eternal.
 In uncertain times -
 *Always keep hoping!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

There's so much I don't know

  For instance:
 how a provision for a “well-regulated militia”
 in a 200+ yr old document 
gets so distorted by current legislators 
that any crazed, delusional disenfranchised male 
with money and a chip on his shoulder 
gets to buy a weapon 
created for one purpose only – 
killing the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time – 
and how, without any apparent qualms, 
he feels free to use it. 

How someone can be so devoid of a connection to his own humanity 
that he’s able to divorce himself from the humanity of others.

How a person can be so untethered from society at large 
that he’s willing to kill in order to have someone pay attention to him. 

 The headlines this morning proclaim that authorities are looking for the motives 
behind the massacre at the high school in FLA.

My response is WHY? 
 Will his reasoning make the deaths of 17 children less painful for their families? 

Will his use or over use of video games, 
preoccupation with guns, 
undiagnosed/delayed grief from the deaths of his adoptive parents - 
and the deeper loss of being relinquished for adoption by his birth family - 
allow any one of the people now in a morgue
to take a lungful of air again? 

There is not one scintilla of knowledge we can gain from this incident 
which will prevent us from experiencing an all too similar event 
in the days or weeks to come.

The irony that this killing spree happened on 
Valentines Day AND Ash Wednesday 
is almost too much to bear.

As if any of us needed more of a reminder that
love is a fleeting concept 
"we are dust and to dust shall we return"

We've always lived in a broken world
and maybe its just me,
but it feels as though we're on some inexorable slide 
toward darkness and destruction
on an almost Biblical scale.
 I don’t know much 

but I DO know 
we were not created to live like this.

We all have to die, 
but we don’t have to die like this. 

I don't know what else to say.

There's so much I don't know.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

In the deep midwinter

Sylvia Plath once wrote of feeling like the dull, still 'eye' of the tornado, 
surrounded on all sides by turmoil and chaos.

I can relate.
(well, substitute political shitshow for tornado
 and the metaphor is apt.)
It's winter and, if not built for outright hibernation,
my body and soul are at least built for stillness,
for quiet reflection,
for time hunkered down by a fire,
thinking deep thoughts.

Trying to carve out space for that
while the 24/7/365 national nightmare 
plays itself out on our very airwaves
is challenging, to say the least.

But I'm here.
 Still being provided with opportunities to learn more about how to parent adult children;
still wondering when it will get easier;
still being reminded that there's work to be done for those without a voice
and acknowledging that MY time to be that voice is limited.

My energies are scattered,
dabbling in housework, cleaning, laundry, 
reading, playing with my camera
and painting.

everything -
and nothing of significance.

Oddly, it all feels like a form of healing -
and I can certainly use more of that.

A friends image of the blood moon on the reservation moved me to tears this week -
it feels like looking at the worlds veins.
It reminded me of a prayer by Jan Richardson

For all things rising
out of the hiddenness of shadows
out of the weight of despair
out of the constrictions of compliance
out of the rigidity of stereotypes
out of the prison of prejudice;

for all things rising
into life, into hope
into healing, into power
into freedom, into justice;
we pray, O God,
for all things rising.

It's winter
and not time for the rising yet.

But there's hope it will come.