
Friday, July 20, 2018

Two thoughts during a week of chaos

I know you’ve heard it ad nauseam like I have.
You can’t turn on the TV, listen to a news broadcast 
or read an article on your phone without hearing it.

It seems to be #45’s obsession:
Collusion. – even if he can’t spell it correctly.

And every time I hear him say it, 
I keep waiting for some reporter, somewhere, to ask him for a definition; 
to ask him for HIS understanding of the term.

Does anyone honestly think he could give an explanation of what’s involved – 
or explain how his behavior 
and the behavior of his cohorts 
doesn't fit that category of behavior?

Given his level of vocabulary and his rudimentary grasp on reality, 
he probably thinks we mean ‘collision’! 

No, there was no collision! 
I would have remembered! 

The media is assuming he’s operating 
with the same definition the rest of us are using – 
and I’m fairly certain he’s NOT.

Frankly, it’s not all that complicated.
We can break it down for him.

Collusion occurs when two persons or representatives of an entity or organization 
make an agreement to deceive or mislead another. 
Such agreements are usually secretive, and involve fraud 
or gaining an unfair advantage over a third party, competitors, consumers 
or others with whom they are negotiating.

Don’t look now, pal, but that’s a line you crossed long ago!

I also can’t help but wonder WHAT incriminating evidence Russia has on him.
I’m convinced it’s not merely a pee-pee tape;
that simply wouldn’t be enough to explain why he’s willing to commit treason.  

The whack ado base of his would certainly excuse a tape of ‘golden showers’; 
they’ve excused every sexual peccadillo he’s shown so far. 
No, we’re still missing WHY he’s such a willing Russian asset.

I know I’ve said for over 2 years 
that I believe he’s been laundering money for the Russian mafia – 
and I still believe that. 
I think it’s the basis of his financial ‘empire’; 
without the Russians, his crooked house of cards crumbles. 
But even THAT isn’t enough to explain the fear, 
the abject prostrating himself to Putin that we saw this week.

It’s either a ‘snuff film’, child porn, incest 
or one of his kids participating in any of the above.

I almost hope he’s doing it to protect one of his kids.
At least that would give a glimpse
that he’s capable of loving someone else more than himself 

Oh, who am I kidding?
THAT’S not it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

4th of July

The flag was weaponized for me back in the 60's.

The whole "My country, love it or leave it",
was wrapped in a flag and hurled at anyone who disagreed 
with an immoral war in Southeast Asia;
it changed my perception of this symbol forever.

It's the prime reason why I haven't enjoyed the 4th of July
since then.

It's especially hard 
when your government has kidnapped children and is holding them hostage.
I live in a small town;
one that celebrates the day with a parade, carnival 
and elevating all the virtues of living in a primarily white bubble to a high art.
And, at the risk of being run out of town, I hate it.

Instead of focusing on all that's hypocritical and objectionable about this day,
I'll focus instead on the March for Families that occurred this past weekend.
It felt fabulous to take a stand
and say, "Hell No; not in my name.
The government may NOT kidnap infants and children from their parents
and send them across the country in some bizarre flexing of patriotic muscle."
It was nice to be part of 'the tribe' again.
I was proud to represent with a friend from work.

If only it hadn't been 100 degrees!
I was doing alright until 3 hours in ...
then I had to find a tree, some shade and take a break
until the stars started to clear.
It was a great morning.

Lady Liberty may be down
but she'll be back!