
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Malignant Individualism

There was a time when we were united;
if not in a world view
than at least in a philosophy of what this country stood for.

I'm not suggesting that we were all in agreement with the means or motives
but, if not in the same corner, 
we were at least on the same page.

There was such a thing as the common good,
the recognition that we rose and fell together;
the belief that the overarching progress of this country
depended on all of us working toward the good of the whole.

The erosion of that belief has been accelerated in the last 3 years,
faster than the spread of Covid 19. 

Individuals now seem incapable of looking beyond self interest,
incapable of doing anything voluntarily 
which would help anyone other than themselves.

And, when that behavior is given voice every day by 'the leader',
when his selfishness and narcissism are on display and normalized,
it's no wonder its become every person for him/herself.

And the folks protesting the loudest,
the ones with the huge guns and small brains taking over state capitals,
are, by and large,
the one demographic that has NEVER known oppression;
the ones confusing inconvenience with being deprived of their rights.

Wearing a mask = loss of individual freedom?
Get a grip.

This toxic brew of
malignant individualism,
institutionalized racism, 
consumer fetishism
and selfishness
is a poison in the American system -
and we tolerate it at our peril.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Love in the midst of pandemic

Somewhere each day
we have to fall in love with someone, something, 
some moment, event, phrase. 
Somehow each day we must allow the softening of the heart. 
Otherwise our hearts will move inevitably toward hardness. 
We will move toward cynicism, bitterness, fear and despair. 
That's where most of the world is trapped and doesn't even know it. 
The world's been in love with death so long that it calls death life. 
It tries to conjure up life by making itself falsely excited, 
by creating parties where there's no reason to celebrate.... 
Yet the only way to experience joy is to give yourself to reality. 
Joy comes after you go that extra mile and offer yourself first-thing every day.
Ask the Lord to give you the grace to fall in love. 
Then you'll see rightly because only when we are in love 
do we understand.

Richard Rohr 

There are moments in every day
even during quarantine
when we can fall in love.

These are just a few of the moments in mine today.

I'm committed to finding something to love every day.
Won't you join me?

In order of appearance:
Grandson in his happy place, the Jungle
a light box honoring summer
a junk store
communicating with the neighbors while holy distancing 
a spring bouquet from the garden
the abundance of small things
Imaginations Cathedral, a painting from my oldest son. 

What would be on your list?