
Friday, July 30, 2021


Where has the month gone?

Two road trips,
(New Mexico and Michigan -
states so different, yet each one containing people I love);
multiple trips to doctors, various diagnostic tests 
and even a trip to an ER in MI
to test the limits of both my insurance 
and my patience.
Just rolling with life over here,
trying to keep my head above water
and partying on.

The road trip to New Mexico had the required stop in Lucas, KS 
to see the Garden of Eden.
These concrete figures, representing both biblical and political figures,
as well as the concrete 'log home' he built and lived in 
were created by SP Dinsmore, a retired Civil war veteran.

He began working on his passion when he was 64 in 1907!
I can only begin to imagine what his neighbors thought of him back then.

My niece had never seen it 
and its a must see when you're in the middle of nowhere.
There just aren't enough 'art environments' 
created by eccentrics in the world today to suit me!
After the wide open plains of MO and KS,
vistas through southern CO and Northern NW changed dramatically
and population centers starting falling away.
I hadn't seen my oldest since Christmas 2019 - and you know
it did this mama's heart good to hug him fiercely
and check out where he landed during a Covid move.

Studio - for painting as well as making fly fishing lures -
his two passions.
I suspect both helped him survive the past years isolation.

The view from his back deck.
There's a stream right beyond the willow banks - 
and across the creek on the other side is another willow bank,
but immediately behind that is the Historic Pueblo of Taos, 
one of, if not the, oldest continously inhabitated communities in the United States.
It's also a designated World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a National  Historic Landmark.
There are still many concerns about the impact of Covid on indigenous population 
and we were consciously trying to avoid groups of people, so I have no pictures of the Pueblo to share this time.

We decided to concentrate on the natural beauty found outside
and New Mexico has that in abundance.
I loved soaking up the sun and watching my boy in his happy place.
The fish were biting that day and even though 12 were caught in a few hours,
they were all catch and release.
We had Mexican food for dinner instead.
 After long months of solitary fishing, 
which my son is very familiar and comfortable with,
he seemed to enjoy having company with him.

Anybody else see a sleeping dog in this rock?

 We did go into Taos, 
but mainly to admire murals and hollyhocks.

Despite storms over the Sangre de Cristo mountains,
we remained mainly dry

Did I mention that I would like to always live near fields of lupine?

It wouldn't be a proper vacation without bringing back a folk art doo dad;
in this case, a vintage santos of our Lady of Guadalupe,
carved by NM artist ,John Tollardo, in 1989.
It was a lovely trip -
even if my mobility was hampered and my energy limited.
If all goes well, there'll be a return trip this fall.
Fingers crossed.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Summer continues...

 and amidst the physical pain 
and deep worry for various friends and family members,
there is beauty - 
reminders that all is NOT bleak.
 The balance of being honest about the struggles
while honoring other peoples stories is delicate
and easily breached; 
so the tendency is to curate images of a life that is life giving and beautiful  -
and, indeed, life is that;
but its not all it is, is it?

Pockets of pain run under the surface,
at times, undermining the foundation and threatening all that surrounds us.
Condos in Florida are not the only things that are made unstable by corrosion.
Deep breaths and stay in the moment.

The joys this summer are simpler than in the past:
a buddy to porch sit with me and watch the world go by,
loaning my vintage chairs and linens to a neighbor
for a sweet tea party
personalized 'fun' mail stuck in amidst the bills
staying - and being - cool!
trying to see things differently
and counting the days until a road trip 
because who doesn't want and need more 'Enchantment' in their lives?
especially when the temperatures are predicted to be my idea of perfect!

Oh 'high desert' I love you!

Keep your focus on the little things -
they'll pull you through every time.