
Monday, July 16, 2012

Just another day in the hood!

Warning: prepare for a high 'ick' factor!

It's not bad enough we had to deal yesterday with two 6yr old boys having been sodomized and raped by older 'cousins' but, in the midst of that whole debacle, I get pulled to another room to see a 10-yr old female who was brought in with the chief complaint of a 'rash' on her whoha.

Inwardly fuming about needing to see someone with probably a whopping case of 'prickly heat' - do docs even diagnosis THAT anymore? - which a good sprinkling of cornstarch would cure in a nano-second - come on, who doesn't know THAT?! - imagine my surprise when it turned out to be yet another disclosure of sexual abuse - actually another rape.

(With a twist...'cause God apparently doesn't want me to get complacent and think I've heard it all before.)

When talking to mom, she said she first thought her daughters complaint of irritation was due to her and her lesbian partner teaching 'their' daughter how to shave her pubic area!

Run that by me again!

We're not talking an adult woman who wants to trim the foliage for better traction here...
she's a 10 yr old little much bush can she have and why would you want to sexualize her in this way?

And I'm sorry but, gay or straight, no life partner should be coming at your daughters 'pocketbook' with a razor!!
That's just pervy!

What the hell are you thinkin'!?
Thankfully, my head was too full of amazement at peoples lifestyles to be grossed out by the details of the kids rape!

Some days my head really does feel like it's going to explode!

but it never does... 

how can these cases just keep coming?

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