
Monday, January 2, 2012

The year 2012...

apparently not so 'new' after all.

Dear Sir,
Thousands have tried this approach before... going on the 'attack' - screaming, yelling, name calling, throwing things etc - before we even start asking questions about how your baby got a broken head and broken arms and legs to go along with it.

If it's any consolation, it didn't work for them either.

Just a hint...
that behavior never gets you out of the 'suspect pool' any faster; it merely puts you square in the middle of it. (The reasoning being if you're that aggressive and out of control in public, with adults, what are you capable of in private with an infant; does that make sense to you? Can anything get through to you during a rage storm?)

You'd think by now that would be Tip #1, at least #2, 3 or 4, in the Child Abusers Handbook...
shut up, cooperate, smile, nod and say Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir.
In other words, Stay off the fucking radar!

Some people are apparently 'slow learners'.

Thank goodness - or else police would never get confessions 2 hours later!

SSDY - same shit, different year!

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