
Friday, June 10, 2011

A Lakota Primer

I leave tomorrow to go to Rosebud reservation in South Dakota.
It will be my 15th trip to a place I've come to love.

I hope you'll take 15 minutes and watch this wonderful TED talk.
It's powerfully disturbing.

While the images are from Pine Ridge, the reservation immediately adjacent to Rosebud, the realities are the same; the struggles are the same; the pain is the same.

It is a Third World nation within our own borders.

One of the criticisms I've heard about this 'talk' is that the images seem almost voyeuristic...and I understand the concern.

I think if you factor in that they were taken over a 5 year period, within the context of relationships between the subjects and the documentarian, it's easier to least for me.

His ending thought of giving back the Black Hills would not be the 'take away' I'd have left it with...that idea could be fodder for a whole blog in itself.

Even with those thoughts in mind, I think it's important to see.

Please pray for those of us going on the trip but, most of all, pray for the Lakota people.

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