
Friday, November 25, 2011

Go big or go home?

Commercials and the pressure for 'Black Friday' make me cringe.

I mean, we get it - big box stores and their large corporate mega-mogul owners are looking for us to spend our way out of the recession.

I find it incredible they haven't figured out that overspending and digging ourselves into deep financial holes for the sake of material goods we don't honestly need is part of what got us into this mess in the first place.
I'm sorry to say that if the money men, bean counters and politicians are counting on me, they've really got problems!

While a few of the younger members of our family will, no doubt, be hitting the stores early - as much to be part of 'the scene' as to get holiday gifts while the selection is good - many of us older folks will be sitting this day out.

I'm working this year on Friday but even if I wasn't, it's totally not my idea of a good time.

I AM looking forward however to Small Saturday - a day devoted to shopping at small independent local stores... an antique mall is about as big as I'm getting!
For those of us who have been participating in 3/50 all year (going to 3 local stores and spending $50.00 a month in each one), it's not a stretch.

This is the 2nd annual Small Business Saturday and it may just be the most important shopping day of the year.

Because it matters to our economy and to our communities.
Small Business Saturday is about Main Street, not Wall Street.

It's about entrepreneurs and families selling things that the chains and e-commerce companies aren't.
I hope some of you will 'go small' too!

I promise there will be pictures of the stores I choose!

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