
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Join me for a Saturday in the Lou

(No, not 'loo' as in the UK... that would just be wrong... 'Lou' as in short for St Louis)

It was a gorgeous fall day..

with a foggy start
that beautifully muted the landscape.

I decided to combine an errand downtown with a trip to the flood-walls

and a walk along the trails by the riverfront.

Is it just me - or is there something very European about the paths?

SO peaceful and serene.

The Arch was my destination - well the bookstore - and, while I didn't find the book I was looking for, I didn't come home empty handed either.

So much fun to see clouds going through the 'legs' of the Arch!

I took another walk up and down the Arch steps

while I enjoyed all the different types of transportation converging in one place - barges, boats, trains, trucks and cars. (The trains are on the lower deck of the bridge; cars and trucks on the top)

I returned home along city streets, with a stop at a favorite folk art store

through neighborhoods that beg to be explored some more on a different day.

There were touches of color that made me smile

and wonder what meaning they held for the people who put them there.

And a message that, for all I know, has implications I wouldn't necessarily endorse but, on the surface, made me smile even more and take some comfort in the thought.

How was YOUR Saturday?

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