
Monday, November 21, 2011

Up North

Well, I'm back...

and realized I was so busy talking and catching up with my niece and her family in East Grand Rapids that I didn't take any pictures of them!

A change of jobs and a move from the familiarity of suburban Chicago to northern MI this summer had them initially out of their element but they're settling in and creating ties in their new community... a community that's lucky to have all of them.

I couldn't have asked for a better B&B!

And, of course, it wouldn't have been our family if the 'girls' hadn't found time for a craft show at the high school (come on, admission costs benefitted the Student Council; how we could we NOT go?)

and some antique stores that definitely got me in the mood for holiday decorating

Is it wrong that pastel Christmas bling makes my heart beat faster??

I am SO ready to decorate my house for the holiday later this week!

And, while I might have forgotten to get pictures of the two legged members of the family, their dog, Scout, was easier to capture without complaint.

Trust me, this handsome boy is nowhere near as fierce as he looks!

The only glitch of the trip was not getting my license back from the bank teller the morning I left, discovering that fact when I was 3 hours away - and having to drive the speed limit (or as near to it as I get) for the rest of the trip!

Not to worry, I'm legal now... and still testing how the car handles at different speeds!

Got to do laundry; I'll be back up to speed with this blogging thing fairly soon!

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