
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Keep it Simple

I generally like that as a life philosophy.
I see no point in making things too complicated.

I am NOT a drama mama - at least not in my personal life.
I get enough of that at work.

Give me straight talk, simple pleasures, small acts of kindness and 'flash free' surroundings - and I'm satisfied.

So imagine my surprise when the 'simple' explanation given recently by the Children's Division supervisor made me ballistic.

"I know these folks and that's just how they are; they argue and fight all the time".

I frankly don't give a rats ass if the adults in their family want to pummel each other on a daily basis- but the thing is- they brought a newborn into their section of Crazy-town and their behavior with him shouldn't be 'simply' tolerated or explained away.

The fact that this grandmother and aunt used this 26 day old child literally in a tug of war, down the stairs, across the front lawn and down the frickkin street is NOT OK!

I don't want to hear your BS about not holding them accountable because they didn't 'intend' to injure the baby.

This newborn has inflicted broken bones - and he's less than 1 month old.

If the agency, mandated by law, to protect kids won't hold them responsible for their lunacy, poor judgment and out of control behavior, who will?

No, I don't think Intensive in home services will be enough.
Let's try involuntary sterilization instead.

Can someone tell me where all standards for parents went?
And how can we get them back?

All the 'relativity' applied to situations today is driving me crazy.

There ARE higher principles and standards that should apply than 'community standards'; especially if you live in a community of morons!

At the risk of adding to the drama, I predict this kid will be dead before he's 6 months old.

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