
Thursday, February 23, 2012


I am beyond sad this night...

I feel quite broken actually.

Jack went in for a CT scan today - and it confirmed my worst fears...

He had a tumor at the base of his brain going into his spinal cord, pressing on his first two vertebrae.
To operate in an attempt to remove it would, more likely than not, have led to paralysis.

The option of radiation and chemo is only offered at the University system Vet school, half way across the state.

It also would only have slowed the growth, not eradicated it and would not have been a painless or easy process for him.

My beautiful boy never made it off the table.
His pain is over... but I'm not quite sure what Pearl and I will do now that it's just us girls!

A friend once said I have 'the gift of tears' - which is just a lovely spiritual way of saying I cry at a good steak...

I'm not sure there's enough Kleenex in the house to handle this.


  1. I am so sorry, Donna. Sending hugs to both Pearl and you.

  2. Donna-my heart is heavy to hear about your Jack. I know what a heartache it is to lose such a friend. My thoughts are with you. Love you

  3. Oh no!
    So sorry to hear this.
    Kindest regards
