
Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Fotos

I know this spring has been unseasonably warm and we're a full month ahead of where we 'should' be in the growing season; I also suspect there's a price to be paid with how hot this means the summer will be; but there are days when you simply have to be aware and thankful that, no matter the cost, we live in a beautiful world.

Days when even man made structures seem prettier - like this one at the end of my block.

My trillium, deep in the heart of the shade bed returned...

and by 'shade bed' I mean the part of the garden where the dogs go to lie down among the weeds and stay cool. The part of the garden that always gets weeded last - frequently after all my steam has run out -which means it doesn't get weeded at all!

Have you ever watched a pansy unfold?

I highly recommend it.

And I FINALLY was able to get photos of the play equipment in a nearby park - without kids being on them! (It's hard nowadays to go to a park playground with a camera and minus kids without being perceived as a perv, ya know?)

I went everyday last week, on my way to work, thinking no one would be there... but no, it was spring break and even at 8AM, there was plenty of action.

Who'd have thought if I waited until Saturday morning I'd find them free!

I'll let you take the rest of the walk in silence...
sometimes, it's good to just be still in the face of beauty.

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