
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tax Evasion

Took a break from taxes - not that I DO them, but I have to get everything together and take them to my accountant, don't I; surely THAT counts - and allowed myself some playtime, using items from around the house, inspired by Pinterest.

Not that I have a bare necked refrigerator but I decided to add some graphic interest, use an old game board, some of the tiles and viola!

Since the tiles were placed using double sided tape, they could technically be re-used.

I did decide to use push pins on the pictures tho, so the board would be hole-y but it too could be used again - tho I doubt I'll have much use for Scrabble Jr anytime soon!

I also bought this old chalkboard at a garage sale for .25... the front was nothing special, although I do like the ghost writing of both chalk and then pencil around the frame.

The graphics on the flip side, however, were spectacular - and perfect when using it to frame two of my favorite great nephews who live in Michigan.
Use what you've got and what seems to work for you is MY motto!

And while we're wasting time, seriously, could there be a dog cuter than this?

No, I don't think so either!
Both of us are still adjusting to being without Jack, but we're getting there!

Back to trying to create order from chaos...
and then escape for a little bit back into yard work...

hope your Sunday is as productive as you want it to be!

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