
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Long weekend, full agenda, out of town company...

and 96 degrees... it must be Memorial Day weekend!

Guest bedroom ready, house clean (well, relatively... no one will die from what's clinging stubbornly to the baseboards, will they?)

What's company coming without some bathroom drama and a toilet that decides to malfunction minutes before cars pull into the driveway?

Expertly and competently fixed by my sons, working in tandem, while all I did was look on.
Thank you, boys!

There are flowers in abundance, 

summer decorations ('state' glasses marking some of the places I'll go this summer)

small wire sculptures, reminiscent of carnivals and roller coasters!

and gorgeous vintage summer dresses!

There were hours of visiting and catching up, then sending them out the door to the ball game ... while I stayed home to dog-sit and, if truth be told, start on some of my new books - all in AC!

Missing those who aren't able to be with us - 

but profoundly grateful for those that came!

While it's wonderful keeping up on 'social media' and email

there's really nothing like face time is there!!

Hope your weekend is filled with all your favorite places and people!

Oh... and should you be thinking you're going to win the Powerball this weekend, hate to break it to you, but the winning ticket is right here!

Maybe I'll spend some time while the adult cousins are off having fun, thinking about how I'l spend my millions!

Luckily, Thor is settling in... curious about where he's been left, but coming to grips with being here -

and, none too soon - 110 lbs of anxious Chessie is a whole of anxious!

Trust me, we'll all be fine!

Hope the same goes for you and yours!

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