
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No call list

This political season has made me face a disturbing reality...

no, not that we're one step away from returning to the poorly conceived and even more poorly executed economic and foreign policies of the Bush years that landed us at edge of the cliff - although we are.

I'm talking right now about the fact that even if you were intentional and registered to be on a "No Call List" in your state, political surveys and politicians soliciting funds are exempt from that statute; they can and, you can bet your next house payment, WILL call you during whatever is your most inconvenient time of the day!

While I can't do anything about the robo-calls except hang up, I decided to take it upon myself to educate the humans calling me for surveys on behalf of whatever party is serving the best Koolaid - and, to be honest, I've been having a GREAT time.

For every slanted, misleading, polarizing question they ask, I spend several minutes letting them know how offensive their choice of words is; I point out double negatives in the question -  which essentially invalidates the question and, therefore, the answer; I inform them how their results will be skewed by only calling people with land lines and the difficulties in obtaining a truly representative cross section of the population utilizing that method; I explain my answers in depth, throwing in all the buzz words I read that day in the Huffington Post; I ask how they got into this line of work, how they get paid (it's by the survey answered, BTW, for most of them); I solicited their opinion and ask why they couldn't find employment in a more honorable line of work; I help them see the limitations and fallacies inherent in a two party system, term limits, thinking we can be engaged in multiple wars, which serve no purpose, without ever worrying how to pay for them... well, you get my drift.

The last surveyor got caught in my web for 20 minutes..

he was practically in tears, repeatedly asking me to 'just answer the questions'.

Hey pal, YOU called ME for my opinions; I got em.
Besides, the longer I tied him up, the less money he made and the fewer of my friends he could annoy -
you're welcome.

Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I've gotten fewer calls.

Could be I'm on one of THEIR No Call lists!

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