
Friday, August 10, 2012

Thanks; we needed that.

Several of us in the ER had no idea how sorely we needed some comic relief - until it was provided to us today by so called 'adults'.

The reality of seeing back to back abuse cases, frequently in double digits a day, have had us questioning both our sanity and WHY we ever went into Pediatrics in the first place.

We asked and God provided.

Our first clue came this morning when, from the safety of the Triage desk, we saw two women, as in moms with their children headed to a doctors appointment, screaming and hollering as precursors to fisticuffs and baseball bats outside in the parking lot - over a frickkin parking space.

Really women; it's not the Hunger games and the last grain of rice; it's asphalt... and there's plenty more where that space between the yellow lines came from.
In fact, from where we stood, we could see half a dozen spaces available - even closer - if they'd have stopped running their mouths, gotten back in their cars and driven a few more feet one lane over!

OUR Security guards were getting the beat down from them when they tried to break it up, so local police were called and two squad cars later, 'peace' was restored.

Just when we thought free entertainment couldn't get any better, within a few hours, we were proven wrong!

A woman came running into the ER having shot herself in the leg while she was driving!
She was smart enough to steer into the nearest ER - but apparently NOT smart enough to make sure the lock was on her gun.

Don't you hate it when you reach for your cell phone and you shoot yourself instead??

BTW, an additional caveat about always wearing clean underwear in case you're in an accident -
be sure to clean out your purse and the trunk of your car regularly if you don't want your business displayed on a counter top in an ER.
My, my, my... someone will have 'splaining to do when they get home on bond tonight!

And you can bet everyone of us who witnessed the debacle is checking her purse even as I speak!

At least with kids, there's the fantasy that our intervention can help their lives head in a better direction...

Not so much!

So, again, thanks; we needed that!

Just sign us,
Happy to hang with the little people!

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