
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just sayin...

I'm not a diplomat.

I don't even know all the players in Libyan politics - but anyone who thinks recent embassy killings were 'provoked' by a 2 minute trailer for a schlocky, Grade D, before- now- never- heard- of- movie ridiculing the prophet Muhammed is delusional.

That line of 'reasoning' is akin to thinking that a woman who burned the toast 'provoked' her partner into beating her senseless; that may be the excuse but it's not the reason.

In any culture, when angry, pissy men with no jobs and no future need to feel more powerful than they truly are and they go looking for some way to strike at a world they believe has injured them, trust me, they'll find it.

How sad that it happened to be four people from our country who were trying to make a difference in their country.

And, on a lighter note (well, for some of us), how terrific is this gift from my youngest son?

Guaranteed to take the bad taste right out!
You know you want some!

Gee, hope this doesn't start a jihad.


  1. I agree with your comments on the killings and love the photo.

  2. I liked your words on the killings too!
