
Friday, September 28, 2012

One is a whole number...

but I really miss having two!

It's been 6 months since Jack, my oldest Standard poodle, 
died as a result of an inoperable brain tumor.
(And I can finally say that without 
being reduced to tears at the very thought!)

Pearl and I have 'adjusted' and are doing 'OK'.

Whereas before, I opened up the back door and let the dogs play outside together as their exercise, with an occasional (2-3x/week) walk, Pearl now faithfully gets walked twice a day - and she loves it! 

Being forced to give her time to explore and get out has been good for me too.
I'm losing weight again, clothes are fitting better and I'll bet my BP is down - 
all those things the 'experts' say will happen with regular exercise.

It's cleaner in the house - without two tracking in mud, leaves  etc on their velcro hair...
it's quieter...
it's cheaper...
it's easier to travel...

and yet...
there's just a 'lack' for both of us...

So it was no surprise 
when I recently found myself searching for breeders 
and thinking seriously about getting a puppy!

And the top contender is a breeder in a neighboring state - 
who just had a litter born 2 weeks ago!

with darling babies, some solids and some parti! 

I LOVE the idea of a parti or a solid chocolate little sister for Pearl!

The chance to 'visit' and see them won't happen for 2 more weeks, 
so there's time to talk myself in or out of it...


We'll see whether common sense - or the heart - will prevail!

1 comment:

  1. SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING? I love the "parti"! If you get one of those puppies you have to bring it to the next staff meeting!
