
Friday, September 7, 2012

Perfect parting gift

The quintessential September beach day!
On the beach from 9am - 6pm...

From the sparkling shimmer of morning sun on sea through the crisp brightness of noon into the deepening colors of late afternoon; breezes that cooled, grew and turned umbrellas inside out as though refusing to let me hide in the shade!

Time for reflection, reading and observing.

We ask for a piece of sand
and he gives us a beach.
We ask for a drop of water
and he gives us an ocean.
We ask for time
and he gives us life eternal.
And it is so easy for us
to fall in love with the gift
and forget the giver.
Edward Farrell

I am SO grateful to have had this time back on the island; both time with my family and time to say Goodbye to my mom.

Without my kids here, the soundtrack of loss that plays so often in the background of my head and is generally muted comes roaring to life and I became more memory than present; the past takes on substance and form and I walk with ghosts.

As much as I love the island and know I'll come back to visit, there's been such an acute awareness that it's neither my present nor my future.

I miss my life.
I miss friends and the craziness of work and my dog and family 'Up North'.
Maybe it's because I haven't taken this much time off from work in years, but it feels like time to go back.

So tomorrow, shortly after sunrise, I'll head out and be relieved when I finally get through the state of Pennsylvania - which is WAAY too long and too crowded with trucks, construction and tunnels -

and I'll smile on the other side!
Getting through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois will be a piece of cake after that!

It feels good to know that, this time tomorrow, I'll be closer to HOME!

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