
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Romney to the uninsured (on 60 Minutes): “There’s always the ER”…
Are you kidding me?

If this statement alone isn’t reason for every person who works in emergency medicine to vote for the other guy, I don’t know what is!

Clearly Romney hasn’t been to an Emergency room.
We already HAVE the indigent, self pay patients sitting alongside all the insured ones - waiting for  non emergent care none of them chose to get at their ‘primary care physicians’ office – because we’re more convenient, the hours are more flexible and they don’t need an appointment!

Most people would be APPALLED at the amount of NON EMERGENT care already provided by all ERs - rashes that have been there for 3-4 months, mosquito bites, STDs, excuses for school and work, colds, ‘cootchies’ that need checking “because they seem too big” and even kids who talked back to a parent.

Even some of the ‘true emergencies’ are questionable – like adults who wander into pediatric hospitals when they’re ‘dying of a drug overdose’ (literally having cardiac arrest) and then get pissed off that we’ve ruined their high when they’re given Narcan to reverse the effects.
Some have hopped off the table and sprinted out of the ER AMA to go to their dealers before we can even find their shoes!

I know there’s a theory out there that people get the government they deserve.
I’d just like to go on record RIGHT NOW as saying that I deserve better!

Good grief… maybe he got away with saying it because most Americans were too busy watching the Emmys.

BTW - who is CK Louis - and why did he win two?


I recently discovered 5 additional life insurance policies that my Mom had with a certain company. While I’m curious about the redeemable amount of each one (and who the beneficiaries are), I’m even MORE curious about who the charlatan was who kept selling a woman with Alzheimer’s so many pieces of the rock?!
The hoops have been lined up for me to jump through to get all that information, so we’ll see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Speaking of Alzheimer’s, at the risk of having my children know I’ve become my mother already, I had to call GI Joe the other day and ask how to watch a DVD.
It’s been months since I had a movie I wanted to see and, like any other skill, if you don’t use it, you lose it!
Call me old fashioned but 3 remotes controlling 4 pieces of equipment to see 1 small disc just strikes me as excessive!

Heard another piece on NPR this morning about adults getting their ‘DNA genome mapping’ done, so they can get all the medical predictions about what diseases they’re predisposed to…
Thanks - not interested.
I’ll take it as it comes – and besides, I’m not willing to give insurance companies one more excuse for jacking up policy prices or excluding me from coverage due to a possible pre-existing condition.
You know it will happen!

Overall, the past few days have been prime examples of why I find myself increasingly glad I’m nearing the end of my life and not just starting out.
Feels like a brave new world – and I’m not all sure its gonna be all that great!


Oh, and try not to hate me - but 1 brilliant idea, 1 credit card and 2 hours creating on the computer = the majority of my Christmas list DONE!
As soon as the masterpieces arrive, they'll be wrapped and ready for gift giving - and it's not even Oct 1st!!



  1. I guess you haven't watched Louie?

  2. I'm fighting Medicaid right now for my FIL. We spend a lot of time in the emergency room due to his cancer, and I see a lot of the people who aren't there are actual emergencies, like you mentioned in your post. I can't even get anyone to give my FIL radiation to extend his life because of this whole Healthspring/Amerigroup Medicaid mess and seeing people just abusing the system for the hell of it pisses me off.

    And I'm way jealous of the Christmas shopping being done.
