
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Has anyone been following the coverage of the Kennedy vs healthcare worker trial?
You couldn't miss it yesterday... I think it was on every channel.

Anyone else appalled by how many of the 'talking heads' all seemed to express the thought that the nurses had over reacted?

Let's remove the Kennedy name from the whole case for a moment ... in today's world of abductions and kidnappings, are hospital staff actually supposed to stand by while some guy, claiming to be a baby's father, takes a 2 day old baby out of the building "to get some fresh air"???

Hey pal, do you know what kind of people are hanging around in the public spaces in and around every general hospital in the country? - SICK people!
You really want to expose your newborn baby to all that?

The nurses who confronted your silly ass and tried to explain how ridiculous your actions were deserve your 'Thanks' - not a kick in the side.

Next time you want to do your Lion King routine, have a home birth!
Ps... I suspect an apology would go a LONG way to taking away the sting of you adding to what was no doubt a shitty day at work!

And, while I'm talking about shitty days at work...

it must be nice to be a private pediatrician and, rather than deal with the messy realities of trying to determine whether a patient has been sexually abused or not, simply send them to the ER and get someone else to take hours of their time doing it for you.

Problem is, we could, and frequently DO, reach a conclusion different than yours!
(Especially when we've been doing it since you were in kindergarten - and actually try to use objective criteria -  you know, like facts and medical evidence!)

I appreciate that there was a family history of sexual abuse *although mom had NO conscious memory of it; she was simply told that by her mother and can YOU vouch for maternal grandmothers motives following a bitter, never completely resolved divorce?
A MGM, BTW, who never reported the abuse of her own daughter or had it investigated?

If the criteria for reporting abuse now was "a history of sexual abuse in the family at any time in the past", I could report well over half of the people sitting in the waiting room - and working - in the ER!

Sorry I almost choked, and coughed in your ear, when you suggested I wasn't suspicious enough!
Honey, as far as I'm concerned, any female child raised in a family where one family member has a penis is a potential victim - - that doesn't mean I can report all of them!

But, you're a mandated reporter too... feel free to use the number I gave you!

Deep cleansing breath!

Thanks; I feel better now!

Not perfect, but better!

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