the same pier, in the background, just 2 months ago...
What a hit the Jersey shore has taken - and the 'Jersey girl' in me mourns - even if my 'transplant' to the Midwest over 30 years ago has been vastly successful.
You never really get the Jersey sand out of your hair; am I right?
On the day the hurricane was wrecking havoc, I got a book in the mail I made for my 'kids' as a surprise Christmas present chronicling our time in Beach Haven this year.
Please keep all the folks in my home state in your prayers.
What they're dealing with now makes the boardwalk loss in Beach Haven my grandparents documented in the 1940's Hurricane look tame by comparison.
And, while I know the candidates don't want to politize this event, I can't help but be worried about how this will change the election... there's NO way polling places, voting machines and people displaced from their precincts will be voting in less than 1 week!
Jersey-ites are uppity - there's also no way they're gonna like being disenfranchised and not having their votes count!
Interesting times, my friends.
And, every time today I got frustrated with a client situation (and, yes, parents in a mobile meth lab endangering their children, I'm talking about your sorry asses!), I took comfort in NOT being in an ER in the NY/NJ metro area!
I was, at least, dry with clean water, power, government offices open and first line responders who hadn't been up for 3 straight shifts!
Wonder if people back east have any clue how many people are praying for them - and waiting to do what needs to be done to get them back up on their feet!
This vintage post card seemed all too apropos today!
Having spent my childhood summers at the shore, I really enjoyed this post.