
Monday, October 8, 2012

Won't you be my neighbor?

Have you ever:

* celebrated a gorgeous fall day by having a tailgate party outside a courthouse where a woman was just sentenced to 20 years for trying to kill her baby?

(A woman, BTW, who was caught on tape trying to suffocate said infant while it was in the hospital being worked up for ‘sleep apnea’.
Turns out there’s a cure for that – take the damn pillow off the babys face!
Mystery solved!

In his sentencing, the judge said he tried to make sure that, by the time she was released from prison, she wouldn't be biologically capable of having more children.

* had a mother say the reason she brought her child to the ER was because she just checked her Facebook page and there was a message from back in July in which a ‘friend’ posted that he’d “f*cked her baby in the a*s” and that’s why she had such bad ‘diaper rash’ after he babysat for her. – and that’s why her baby needed to be checked out right now!
Talk about a reason to ‘defriend’ someone!

* Seen a 5 mos old baby with a broken leg and a totally plausible story of being picked up an older sibling by that leg from the Pack n’play; said sibling now being “totally sorry and remorseful”, with parents promising ER staff they’d supervise more carefully - - only to send state workers to the house to discover not only is there NO pack n play – there’s no older sibling either!
Ps: Said parents won’t be able to supervise anyone more carefully now ‘cause they’re in jail!

* had Security tell you, with a straight face, that a mom couldn’t have brought a weapon (a 12” knife) into the building “because we have metal detectors and "besides she looked ‘normal’”.

Hellllllo… you only use the metal detectors after 8pm @ night and it’s now 3 in the frickkin afternoon! It will be a comfort to the police sketch artist though when they’re looking for the maniac mom who got stabby with staff that “she looked normal”… that description will eliminate those pesky details like eye shape and cheekbone configuration!

 If you answered no to all of these questions, then you obviously don’t have my job.

How were things in YOUR neighborhood today?

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