
Friday, November 2, 2012

Girls gone wild

Pearl and I are headed out of town for the weekend 
and it's unlikely that I'll be posting until I come back.

Go on, I don't mind... 
guess which image I'll come closest to resembling?

Given family obligations, time constraints 
and limited access to the world wide webs, 
all I can promise 
is that I'll have my laptop with me 
and we'll see what happens.

At least I can leave town
with a smile in my heart...
raw footage on the weather channel 
showed that the old homestead 
in Beach Haven (LBI) 
survived Sandy!
(Upper right hand corner)

She's not a McMansion; 
she's not 'one of the pretty ones'
but, damn she's sturdy!
Has made it through every hurricane
since she was built in 1924 ~

does my heart good to see this!

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