
Monday, November 19, 2012

Paying attention -

and you thought with all this puppy stuff, I wasn't paying attention to anything else..
oh, yea of little faith.

I just haven't had the time to blog about it!

The Betrayus scandal just keeps growing and morphing into something that gets less funny by the day.
As much as the late night comedians are having a field day, as someone who knows the pain of having a partner who can't seem to keep his pecker in his pants, with each 'joke', my thoughts keep turning to Mrs Petraceus and Mr Broadwell - and the kids who had NOTHING to do with any of this and whose parents are now center stage.
Such a tragedy.

Am I surprised some women are attracted to military power? No.
In fact I'm amazed at those folks who are surprised - does the phrase 'camp tramp' mean nothing to them?

Am I surprised people fail to honor sacred commitments, also, sadly NO.

What makes me angriest is that, as a parent of a child serving in the military, one who has risked his life in "the sandbox" - how the hell do these guys have the time to send thousands of emails to these bimbos??

What the hell are they doing with their time?
Aren't they supposed to be thinking of, and implementing, strategies to get us out of the Middle East?

This has already been the longest, most pointless war in American history... clearly when the guys in charge have stopped caring enough to work at it, it's time to get the hell out of dodge, NOW!

It's been interesting to see so many talking heads try to dance around and say what an admirable guy Petreaus is when we have his words and actions telling us a very different story!

I guess Graham Greene was right when he said: If God had wanted us to behave rationally, he wouldn't have given us genitals!

The very definition of a hot mess!

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