
Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm down with it!

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."

I can't speak to hoarded gold but my new copper pipes were installed this week...
I hear this stuff is valuable.
I'm sitting on a gold mine!
For song - check out hometown group, Pokey Lafarge and the South City Three!

Come on, how can you not love a group with the courage to name themselves THAT??!
I saw them play a few years ago at Tower Grove Farmers Market - never knew they'd be so big; sadly, more so overseas in Europe than here, but hey, success is success!
Funky, retro, eccentric throwbacks that are really taking off!

I love seeing their videos, all shot locally; many within blocks of where I lived in the city.

However you spend your weekend, my friends... enjoy all that makes life good!
And, if you want to get rid of some of that hoarded gold, feel free to send some MY way - -
those pipes weren't cheap!

Just sayin'.

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