
Monday, February 11, 2013

Contemporary log cabin...

Nope, not this kind... although I would totally take this as well!

I was referring to the new quilt I scored at our church's auction over the weekend - a fundraiser for our Senior High Groups Mission trip to Guatemala this summer.
A quilt made by a fiber artist in our parish and auctioned off a few years ago as a fundraiser for the Senior High trip to Chicago. (Illinois, Land of Lincoln; born in a log cabin - hence the use of the pattern but with a totally new twist w/color and pattern use).

Our senior high goes on a Mission trip every year, with a rotating service theme: rural, urban, Native American and International.

Truth be told, I coveted the quilt then and purchased more than one ticket (ok, maybe more like 10 raffle tickets) and, obviously didn't win it!

The woman who WAS the lucky winner- also a friend of mine - donated it back to the group this year so they could put it in the silent auction last night... and I FINALLY had my opportunity!
Despite a fierce competition, I emerged the victor - and the quilt is now home on my guest bed.

Kim (the quilter) also showed the kids and Leaders  how to make a square and she then put together their offerings for this years quilt - -

Considering that this sold for just under $3,000.00; it was gorgeous but too rich for my blood!

I'm JUST fine with the one I got for a mere pittance - well, comparatively.
Trust me, I won't be donating it back to the group for re-sale.
It's home!
Total win/win - 
for me and our kids
in Senior High!

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