
Monday, July 8, 2013

Definitions - getting them off my chest

When is a coup not a coup?
Apparently when it's done by 'a fledgling democracy' that our government supports with over 1 BILLION $$$ in military aid!

I'm sorry, but when the military suspends the constitution, arrests the democratically elected President of a country and puts in a new leader - in my book, that's a coup!

The sad reality of living in a democracy means you've got a 50/50% chance of not liking the guy who gets elected to run the country.  
Ask the Tea Party now - or those of us who suffered under George Bush for 8 years!

That's the way ballot chad hangs, pal.
Suck it up - and work hard so the next time you get to vote the outcome is different.

It also seems to me that maybe,
just maybe,
until we can prove our system operates more effectively,
we shouldn't be touting our way of governing as the only way to be.

Can we not just agree that not every country is ready for 'democracy'?
When is a 'whistle blower' not a whistle blower?
When he gives an interview with a Korean newspaper
and admits
he deliberately got a job with the NSA
to get evidence of the extent of surveillance
 being done by the agency.

That makes you a premeditated spy,
if not an outright traitor. 
May you rot in some hot, sweaty 'fledgling democracy'!
When is debris in the water, not debris?
When it's touted as healthy detox water!

Note to self - more lemon, less cucumber.
When is a trip to a rural antique mall
an all day drive?

When you're so busy talking to a friend,
you over shoot your target by 100 miles.

Apparently there were things in 

we were meant to see...

although I can't imagine what it was!

Made for an interesting weekend excursion tho'!

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna!
    Sounds like a perfect week-end to me. Sometimes we think we are overshooting our destination but we all truly know it's the journey we were meant to take all along.
