
Friday, July 19, 2013


There are certain things you just don't do in the ER...

You NEVER use the 'Q' word (quiet) because, as soon as you do, all hell breaks loose.

You NEVER mention a chronic patient by name because, as soon as you do, they show up on your doorstep and are in the ED for hours!!

Decades of having these, and more, prohibitions drummed into me have made me hesitant to say how much better I'm doing.

Yesterday, I was practically limp free - without any pain meds (OTC or otherwise) - and almost able to envision myself walking on the Camino.

Workouts with my personal trainer are going well - still expect to be sore after each session but know it's just sleeping muscles being told to fire up!

On track with my healthier eating and weight goals (down 10 lbs) and, after an encouraging note from one friend (a woman whose courage and fearlessness have always been an inspiration; see here) and an invitation from a different friend to come speak at her church in the fall about this journey of mine, I've had many more moments when excitement has trumped fear about my overall plans!

Yup, I might actually be on a roll!
Plus, in this transitional time, 
I've learned important lessons about how the power 
of physical pain 
can change your whole outlook,
discourage dreams
and allow fear to get rooted.

I suspect I might need to remember those insights
on the Way.
It won't all be soft misty mornings,
verdant pastures full of sheep
and ancient villages.

Memo to self:

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