
Thursday, September 12, 2013


To Russia –
for giving our government a chance to stop hyperventilating, frothing at the mouth and take a deep breath.
I appreciate it.
Sorry that our guys weren’t smart enough to figure out a way for us all to save face.
I suspect you’ve had more experience at it than we have.
Just curious though: Rumor has it that you were the ones to sell Syria the chemical weapons in the first place. If you’re put in charge of seeing that they’re taken from Syria and destroyed, do you offer them a refund – or simply put it back in YOUR stockpile to re-sell to the next totalitarian regime that comes along?
To the people for New York –
for sending Anthony Weiner and Elliott Spitzer packing and asking them to rethink their plans to re-enter public life.
I wasn’t sure you’d do that!
It was a nice surprise.
Too bad more of you couldn’t have shared your wisdom with people in South Carolina before they elected Mark Sanford again!
To whatever demographic was polled about Miley Cyrus:
In December 2010, she was in the top 3 percent in influence and trend-setter and top 23 percent for endorsement. As of August 2013, Miley ranks in the bottom 1 percent for appeal, aspiration, breakthrough, endorsement and trust to people of America.

Here’s hoping the medias fascination with self-absorbed, sexually preoccupied, self serving exhibitionists has run its course.

Ps: can someone make sure the Kardashians get the memo?

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