
Saturday, March 15, 2014

If you're lucky,

'leave taking' is exhausting.

Because beyond the outward trappings of
well wishes,
 charming cake,
and gorgeous flowers 

there are the Goodbyes.

In my case, 
 to, literally, hundreds of people, 
in almost every department of the hospital;
folks who have been integral parts of
my job.

Young friends

 as well as 'seasoned' friends.

over and over and over 
for days.

Goodbyes in which I hoped to convey,
but probably fell short, 
of saying 
how much I've appreciated 
each persons presence in my life;
how knowing them made a difficult job that much easier;
how I couldn't have done it without them.

Then, if you're lucky,
it also entails standing there 
as they tell you what a difference 
you've made in their life;
how much they've learned from you
and how hard it is for them to think
of having to work
without your help and support.

If you're lucky,
you'll allow yourself to hear their words,
 and truly believe,
that you have made a profound difference;
that children are alive today because of your efforts
and that the people who do some of the hardest jobs in the world
love you 
and respect your opinion.

If you're lucky,
as much as it may feel like 'abandoning ship',
you'll leave pieces of your work life behind
and walk out the door for the last time.

I was one of the lucky ones.

And then, 
this morning,
a new day began.

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