
Monday, October 13, 2014

Yuck - rhymes with *uck!

Shivers, headache, general malaise.

I'm blaming it on the cold or allergies
I've been struggling with all weekend.

Not that it stopped me from doing anything - 
never that!
I was raised to keep going when you're sick...
it will take something more significant 
than a runny nose and stuffed up head to get me down!

In fact, since I decided to stay in and 'putter' around the house,
the result was a burst of creativity.

There's an artist I especially enjoy - 
do you know her?

I have several pieces of hers - and would love to have more,
but, on a retirees salary 
and with a missioners heart for NOT accumulating more 'things' ,
it didn't look like that would happen.

Well, she's a finalist in a Martha Stewart contest for American artists
and she's been having a limerick contest.
The winner of the contest will get $250.00 worth of her art -
and I'm determined that winner will be ME!
The limericks had to focus on getting Martha Stewart to select her as a winner.

So far, I've sent her 6 limericks -
keep your fingers crossed that ONE of them gets her attention!
I think the winner will be announced later this week.

Here they are -
There once was a girl and with wood
created what few of us could.
She ‘Martha’ed’ with paint,
she ‘Martha-ed’ with glue,
the only thing left is to be ‘Martha’ed’ by you!

There once was a Martha - its true -
she’s the one people wanted to woo
So Bunny made art 

and then swore 
she’d do it some more
until Martha picked her style too.

A dog and a rainbow - what bliss!
Martha, it doesn’t get cuter than this
So pick Bunny today,
do it with out delay
so we all can get our wish!

There once was a dog with some cake
Martha, I swear it looks just like you’d make
But Bunny, she did -
and she’s only a kid,
so please choose her now for Pete sake!

A zebra with cake? well, who knew?
It’s a thing you don’t see at the zoo.
If Martha picked it we’d see
that our minds could be free
to imagine all things could be true.

There's few things that I love more
than Martha’s Living when it gets to my store;
unless its a tree
that Bunny made me
and to see them together -
well, SCORE!

Whadda think?

Personal favorites are 5&6.
Here's hoping!

I also got the painting done on my plaster of paris chocolate mold trees - 
all I need to do it wait for a sunny day,
then spray with finish and apply glitter - 
everything's better with glitter, right?
Yup; finally got my pink tree!

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