Yup, I totally see it!
And, truth is, I don't care!
I'm happily a member of the Santa cult!
Santas only get to be out for such a short time
but they're a year round collecting obsession!
A quick tour around my small cottage
and I counted 60+ free standing Santas.
I didn't even bother to add in
the ones hanging as ornaments
on my 6 feather trees!
(Not sure numbers go that high!)
All I can say is that
when a seasonal episode of 'Hoarders' comes to film in the Midwest,
none of you need apply;
I've got a spot sewn up!
Love you and your blog, Donna. Just read the last few entries. I still have more to read about your Camino journey. Saving it for the still of January! Thanks for writing and posting and sharing your awesome Christmas decorations!