
Friday, October 23, 2015


No more hiding in the 
shadow of your brokenness;
                                                           even the shards reveal flickering bits of your soul. 

Align with light."
LaShaun Middlebrooks Collier
During every retreat, 
I try to find some image
 that encapsulates
the thoughts and feelings of the experience;
a visual that will serve as a prompt 
to bring back the memories
in the days or weeks 
after 'retreat glow' has dissipated.

Since Riverwoods is such a stunningly beautiful place,
there was no end to the options
from which I could choose.

Yet as I came home and reviewed the photos I had taken,
it wasn't even a close contest.

While walking the fence line of the property,
immediately adjacent to a country highway,
I spotted a cars side mirror;
unclaimed detritus from an accident 
along a busy road.

For once,
 the Trauma Social Worker in me 
didn't dwell on what the details of the accident 
might have been.
(I can't tell you what progress that is!)

I thought instead of the reality 
that no matter how broken we are -  
and Spoiler alert, 
we all are! - 
we are still capable of reflecting Gods glory;
still capable of reflecting the beauty that's in the world around us.

No matter how broken,
and unclaimed,

a sliver of light
 is still there.
Perhaps my favorite series of images
for reflection

(pun intended)

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