
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Can I pick two?

Have you noticed the ads for the National Park Service this summer;
 the ones exhorting us to” find our park”?
Well, NPS, you’ll be pleased to know that I did ...
I’ll take this one please.

Point Reyes National Seashore – 
which also happens to be home to over 40 head of Tule elk, 
making it one of the largest herds in CA.

Over 2600 acres of open grasslands and ocean front trails – 
and it seems like we walked over all of them … 
but no, just a 5 mile hike in
to the point of the Peninsula – 
and 5 miles out.

It was the most I’ve pushed myself since walking the Camino – 
and my calves felt every inch of it by the time I returned to the car – 
and even the next day 
when they kept ‘seizing up’ on me.

The sounds and sights were unbearably beautiful though and, 
even with 2 people I love for conversation and commentary when desired, 
the solitude was pure gift.
Full disclosure:
This 'burrowing' owl is the only image I didn't take.
Just knowing they're there made my day - 
and I'll hang out long enough to capture one next time.
I 'burrowed' the picture ...
see what I did there?

I did notice that the CA State Park system was not as generous;
they don't suggest you go find a park ...
probably because they know some people (like me) would take them literally.

My choice would be Gualala State Park, 
further up the coast on North HWY 1

 I’d say go see them for yourselves but, 
as stated above, 
these two are mine – 
go find your own!

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