
Thursday, August 11, 2016


It’s easy to think Northern CA belongs in the realm of fabled locations – 
like Camelot or Brigadoon.
The interplay of light and fog create pockets of mystery and impenetrability, 
making it seem as if the land either materializes
 – or vanishes –
 right before your eyes.
Depending on mood 
(yours and the climates) , 
reality either gets muted
or brought into sharper focus than before.

All I know is  
it’s magical 
and a very hard area from which to distance yourself.

(Although why would you want to!)?

The mercurial nature of the place suits me perfectly – 
and apparently the genetic fruit hasn’t fallen far from the tree – 
even if it landed and rolled half a continent away.

While my oldest has never been afraid to face things head on, 
 this is how I see him most often now … 
facing the vastness and beauty of wild expanses;
 taking in limitlessness and eternal constancy;  
 his back turned on all the rules and constraints that society seeks to impose; 
content to spend hours contemplating how to live a life with integrity –
 and on his own terms.

It’s not an easy path he’s chosen but it’s very much his own.
 He inspires me and - truth be told  - 
worries me sometimes too
 (that’s my job as a mother, right?)

A literary reference to northern California recently labeled it as 
the final frontier of freakerdom”.
I suspect that wasn’t meant as a compliment.
But I now know several enclaves
where folks would embrace that description – 

and frankly, I’d live in any one of them!

There seems to be room here for the irregular – 
although not without cost … 
but there is always a price to be paid for how and where we live our lives.

 "Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. 
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft"

My boy’s lived in both areas – 
and he wears this life much better.
The reality (above)

the interpretations(below)

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