
Saturday, September 30, 2017


Same conflict different day.
How do you remain a ‘woke’ involved citizen of this country, 
engaged in the quagmire of the participatory democracy we seem to have created 
and not lose either your health or your freaking mind in the process?
Wish I had the answer folks, but I don’t.
Maybe it’s enough to live with the question.

I simply can’t engage in all the nonsense –
*Tom Prices charter flights, 
ostensibly for work purposes 
(conveniently to locations where his son lives and another to where he owns a home).
Thank goodness he solved the problem himself and resigned;
I don't care if that's the true story or not! 
*Name calling on a global scale 
with an individual who is as emotionally, intellectually and socially crippled 
 as our president.
*Personal emails AGAIN.
*A library of an elementary school in a wealthy town 
rejecting Dr Seuss books 'charitably' donated by the First Lady.
*NFL issues, 
#Take a knee – it’s all SO 1968.
 It wasn’t about a raised fist then any more than it’s about a knee now.
It’s about brown bodies being killed 
because the white power structure needs a permanent underclass.
If you haven’t figured that out by now,
then you’re willfully ignorant – 
and you should take a look at whatever your belief system is that
 allows you to refuse to see it.
An issue worth being informed about?

US citizens dying and redefining ‘primitive’ in Puerto Rico 
for over a week 
after the country was destroyed by a hurricane 
before this administration notices – 
and only sends the USS Comfort 
after the suggestion was made by a former Secretary of State on Twitter; 
that’s worth noting, 
praying about 
and supporting with relief efforts. 

 Our president figuring out that an ocean is really big 
and that an island, by definition, you idiot,
means it’s surrounded by that really big  water – 
not exactly a Helen Keller moment 
but it seems like the light is, if not dawning,
at least beginning to filter through the cracks in his head. 

The depths of the arrogance, indifference, 
entitlement and ignorance 
of this Administration 
continues to confound me on a daily basis, 
in matters both large and small.
The antidote?
Financial contributions to relief efforts
Titrating the news and avoiding  the comment sections at all costs.
Loving those on my path
Seeing the world through a child’s eyes

Playing with images and words about MY issues

And getting ready to travel
 –to broaden my horizons -
which at the same time also feels like going home 
to discover some roots.
While growing up, 
I would hear that we were "Scots-Irish"
and I literally had no idea what that meant.

Well, now I do.

Excited about what lies ahead and, 
after the past 9 months,
that’s a wonderful feeling to have again.

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