
Saturday, March 10, 2018

That was the week that was

Lately, I’ve had the most overwhelming sense that we’re living
 in some Twilight Zone/ Groundhog Day episode –
 to mix my media metaphors.

Does anyone else have headline fatigue? 

Stormy weather for #45.
Seriously, who cares?
Except as an indication of how much crap there is to blackmail him about.

As far as I can figure out, his sexual proclivities - 
or inabilities, more likely - 
are the least of his blackmailable peccadillos.
I’m more interested in all the money laundering for the Russian Mob.

Of course he’d have to pay someone to sleep with him. 
For most of the women I know though, 
you wouldn’t need to pay us to keep quiet about it.
Why would anyone willingly admit out loud they’d had sex with him?

He’d have to have had pulled a Cosby and chemically knocked us out first;
makes the skin positively crawl just to contemplate.

Not that I think Stormy's a Rhodes scholar 
but she must be pretty dumb.
A) to sleep with him 
and B) to be bought off for $130,000.00.
  What was she thinking? 
That’s chump change!

And the speculation about why her nondisclosure agreement 
has a clause barring her from mentioning paternity?
Despite what some commentators have posited,
I don't think it has to do with a 'secret love child' somewhere.

Here’s my prediction – and remember you heard it here first.

I think some of his pillow talk with Stormy
and his explanation for why he was having an affair
involved him shooting his mouth off 
and questioning Barron’s paternity.

Think about it.
Barron was a newborn.
Melania was post partum...
it would totally be in character for #45
to complain to a lover 
that he wasn't satisfied at home...
he and the wife hadn't had sex in forever...
he wasn't even sure the baby was his..
Y'all can imagine it, right?

It would explain some things -
why Melanie is so protective of Barron;
why #45 pretends the kid doesn't even exist;
why the First Lady looks SO miserable all the time -
I mean, besides the obvious - 
she's married to him.
Come to think of it,
this IS more fun to speculate about than money laundering.

They bring to mind another deeply unhappy couple.
 In the long run though,
the state of Trumps marital misery isn't the country's problem.

Having a Russian puppet installed in the White House however 
IS something that impacts 
everything about our national life.
And, can someone explain to me 
WHY there's so much hoopla about
the very possibility that 45 will meet with Kim Jong -yu?
These are two of the most self absorbed, impulsive people on the planet.

Saying they'll talk to each other is NOT the same as being in the same room,
let alone having the maturity or intellect 
to discuss issues that threaten world peace.

I don't, for a minute, think anything will actually come of it.

Frankly, I think Kim is taking pointers from HIS Russian handlers 
about how to deal with our president.
Appeal to his power, seemingly grovel for a bit
all while gaining validity for your own regime.

 Can't you see the Russians setting this up?
Getting these two bullies in the same room 
where one of them is bound to say or do something 
to piss the other one off -
leading to some armed conflict that could inflict mass damage 
to both the US and its Allies in Asia -
leaving Russia as the dominant power 
and power broker?

Good Lord,
If I keep watching cable news,
I'm going to need a bigger tin foil hat!
This might be perfect for spring!

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