
Monday, May 21, 2018

Road trip

According to some family and friends, 
there’s a whole list of reasons why I shouldn’t go:

It’s too far.
It’s too short a visit.
It’s too political a reason.
It’s ‘not safe’ for a woman my age to drive 15 hours - by herself - 
across the country, 
much of it at night 
(inset ‘gasp’ here).
It will be too stressful to have such a tight time frame.
I’ll be exhausted when I get back.
Its too close to the Mission trip – 
when I’ll be driving for 15 hours in exactly the opposite direction.

All these reasons have varying degrees of validity.

here’s what I know as MY truth.

For months, 
I’ve despaired about the direction of our country, 
the lack of moral leadership 
and the reality that the public face of faith (as portrayed by evangelical ’Christians’) 
has been one of exclusion, fear and silence in the face of evil.

So, when I heard about an event, 
sponsored by Sojourners,
featuring elders from various faith traditions, 
many whom I’ve read and admired for years
 (Jim Wallis, Walter Brueggeman, Bishop Curry etc), 
the desire to be a part of it grew quickly.

More than just wishing I could go, 
I felt compelled to go – 
even though their language is not spiritual language 
I would normally use.  
“Reclaiming Jesus” and a Candlelight Vigil to the White House.

As I read their “Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis”, 
I kept proclaiming “YES”.

The statement rang deep and true.

I want to stand in solidarity and silence.
I want to bring the light and love of my congregation 
and face the darkness that exits in our Nation’s Capitol.

I already know pilgrimage isn’t easy; 
it isn’t convenient; there’s always a cost.

I will sacrifice sleep, energy, vacation days and precious time with family – 
but there are moments that demand you stand for what you believe; 
moments when you put your money, time and energy where your mouth is.

For me, this is one such moment.

I will be there.

"When you wake up in the morning, called by God to be a self again, 
if you want to know who you are, watch your feet. 
Because where your feet take you, that is who you are.”

Fredrick Buechner

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