
Monday, July 22, 2019

Another trip to Santa Fe

What can I say?
This could get to be a habit.

This time, since I was driving, also included stops in Kansas,
to stay at a restored Railroad Hotel,
to see the worlds largest Czech egg (in Wilson, KS)
and to see other delights.
 Then a quick jaunt up to Lucas, KS
to see the Garden of Eden;
a fabulous art environment, 
built by visionary SP Dinsmore. 

All the structures are concrete,
including the house, which is made to look like a log cabin.
Spiritual and political images and references abound.
Can you imagine what the neighbors thought?
I think Dinsmore and I might have been BFF's in another time.
The sign at the Garden of Eden saying
Do Not Enter
Exit Only 
cracks me up every time I look at it!
 He built a mausoleum on the grounds 
in which he and his wife are buried.
He thought the turkey should be the country's 'bird' rather than the eagle -
and made his preference known.
I regret that my timing was off.
I was there early in the morning -
and shooting right into the sun for many of the pictures.

Next time, I'll get there late in the afternoon or early evening 
and have the sun behind me.
Lesson learned.
And, yes, here will be a next time.

Lucas also has one of the greatest public restrooms in the country.
 Shaped like a toilet, 
complete with a roll of paper.
and fabulous mosaics inside.
In both the men's room
and the women's
 Go on, I dare you to find a classier public restroom.

Don't ever think Kansas is all cornfields and highways.
You just have to know where to look for its riches.
But Santa Fe beckoned, so it was back on the road.

More to come.

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