
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wording matters

Break out the soapbox, I'm climbing on.
Let me say it as loudly as I possibly can - 
and hope my words aren't discounted by my white privilege -
Black Lives Matter;
being black 
while living, 
bird watching, 
doing yard work
inhabiting public space
or jogging
is not a crime and shouldn't result in death,

There HAVE to be reforms in our policing procedures and judicial systems 
to address the systemic inequities inherent at their very core.

But every time I hear the phrase "Defund the police",
it makes me want to scream.

I have NO problem with redirecting funding  
away from the militarization of police forces across the country
and toward more social services:
housing resources,
mental health services, ie. outpatient counseling and residential options, 
substance abuse treatment programs,
in home parenting skills, 
domestic violence/child abuse prevention services,
job training and re-training, 
at all levels and for all ages,
better schools, 
more technology for more people ...
etc. etc. etc.

Our jails have become de facto psych hospitals;
our police forces are asked to deal with all the social ills
that local governments and national politicians refuse to address 
and pay for.

Ironically, I've been told that all of the above is exactly 
what 'Defund the police' means;
and, if true, then its advocates need to find a better,
less provocative phrase to encapsulate their message.

Prior to entering retirement 6 weeks ago,
I worked with police nearly every day -
both street officers and Detectives.

I think its the height of naivete 
to think our society could ever abolish a police force and, 
when you cry for "Defunding the police" that, in my mind, 
is exactly what you're advocating. 

Maybe your privilege and inexperience has protected you
from being in the same room with someone
capable of raping, to death, a 4 months old baby;
or someone who shows no remorse about inflicting life threatening head injuries 
and multiple broken bones to a toddler 
who interrupted their video game.
Maybe you've never seen a mother willing to pimp out her 9 year old daughter 
to multiple strangers
for a days worth of drugs.

I've seen it all -and so much more in 35+ years - on the front line.
Trust me when I say 
there are certain situations
in which social services will NOT be the answer;
certain people you WILL want off the streets;
you WILL want the police to investigate 
and you WILL want the judicial system to hold them accountable. 

As long as our country tolerates malignant individualism,
and human beings operate with free will,
there will be people who refuse services;
you can't make someone want to get better.

Yes, by all means, lets get additional services in place 
to hopefully mitigate the depth of pathology 
that sets in from years of ignoring problems,
but lets at least go in with our eyes open.

 Lets stop kidding ourselves
that a concept with an inaccurate and misleading slogan
is going to fix
the ills that are entrenched in our country.

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