
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Scenes from life during a pandemic

It would be easy to spew about:

the complete abdication of responsibility 
by an Administration in response, 
or lack thereof, 
to a contagious disease that is decimating vulnerable populations 
or how that governmental mismanagement combined with 
the malignant individualism of science deniers 
have imperiled both our economy and, literally, thousands of lives
the spotlight being focused, once again, on our city,
for the exaggerated fear response of people of privilege,
both lawyers,
aiming loaded guns at protesters 
who had the temerity 
to walk down their 'private' street on the way to the Mayors house 
in an adjoining enclave.
Talk about privilege being piled on to privilege.
But, lest you think they were racist. they explained, 
through their attorney,
they were concerned about the white terrorists!
Of course they were.
(insert snicker here)
how infuriating it is as the parent of a son in the military
to have a Commander in Chief who doesn't bother to read, 
care about or formulate a response to
reports that his pals in the homeland,
Mother Russia,
are paying bounties to the Taliban 
for the scalps of America soldiers.
how can there be ANY person drawing breath 
who can't see that Putin has some weird shit on #45
which is hanging over his orange buffoon head
like the sword of Damocles ? 

But no, I won't go there -
because in the grand scheme of things,
that doesn't match up to what else is going on.

Things are blooming

Birthdays are being celebrated
Beauty, expressed through the arts,
both old and new, 
are there for inspiration

Its a Midwest summer 
and everyone is looking for ways to stay cool
Even Saharan sandstorms contain their own beauty.
This recently acquired vintage Mexican votive painting serves as a powerful reminder for me.
Even as it seems the world around us is on fire,
and it does, 
and it is,
we can recognize the divine presence in the midst of it all -
and be grateful for what we DO have,
Knowing that there are no guarantees of what tomorrow holds.

Stay safe, and grateful, my friends.

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