Almost as soon as we were back in the car
after our sunrise excursion to the sunflower fields,
we were talking about coming back next year to see them at sunset.
I dropped my friend off at her house
with a promise to remember our brilliant idea.
Then I came home and as the day wore on,
listening to the national news,
seeing the death rates from COVID 19 climb in several states,
I wondered why, in the name of all that's holy,
we would put off to next year something we could do NOW.
How arrogant is that?
The assumption that we'll be unscathed by this virus,
that our health will hold,
that the pleasure and beauty we saw would simply be there again for the taking.
All those thoughts led to another phone call and,
last night,we were in the car,
headed back to the sunflower fields.
In the intervening hours,
there had been several thunderstorms and,
there had been several thunderstorms and,
given the location of the fields,
we weren't surprised to see that the sunflowers had been impacted.
Many of the heads were drooped and most blooms were past their prime.
Not that their beauty was less impressive, to our eyes.
Considering that it was still overcast on the drive there,
when the sun popped out as we arrived, we were elated.
Not that their beauty was less impressive, to our eyes.
Considering that it was still overcast on the drive there,
when the sun popped out as we arrived, we were elated.
There were no egrets -
maybe they're just morning birds.
And then, just because she could,
God decided to show off.
Moral of the story:
don't keep putting things off.
Beautiful pictures!