
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Radical acts

I'm back - 
and, so far, intact!
My first foray into the outside world in the time of Covid.

 I went 'Up North' to a state where there's room for social distancing,
 a Governor who seems to believe science (how refreshing) 
and, as a result, has mandated masks in public buildings
and when around others.

The weather, for most of the week, was picture perfect,

and, although Michiganders complain about how short their growing season is,
don't be fooled.

The cooler temps, plentiful rainfall and bright summer sun
combine to make ideal conditions for so many gardens!
I wasn't as staggeringly oblivious as a MAGA hat at a cult rally
but I hugged relatives and friends,
ate outside at a restaurant,
and socialized on a back porch with 2 other people 
besides the couple I was staying with.
Its amazing how radical these acts felt.

I wasn't taking deliberate chances;
I washed my hands often, 
used an ocean worth of hand sanitizer, 
wore a mask, tried not to touch any surface or my face
and am blaming seasonal allergies here in the Lou 
for the stuffy nose and sneezing I've been doing since I got back.

My time in northern Michigan harkened back to a time 
when travel and being with others was such a normal part of my life.
A part I'll admit I took for granted.
Not anymore.

I'll share more pictures about where I was in later posts
but, for now, just wanted to reconnect and say
I'm back.

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