
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Been a hot minute

 since I've checked into this space -
and time, as it does, marches on.
I've been to New Mexico and back
and am delighted to report that the final surgery was much less harrowing
than the two that proceeded it.
Truth be told, you can never get too much New Mexico.
I was beyond grateful that my local 'guide' was feeling significantly better
and able to enjoy some of the sights before I headed home.

While the majority of the metal is gone from his mouth,
(2 metal plates are permanently installed 
and guaranteed to set off metal detectors at airports
for the remainder of his days),
he still has months of PT/OT to help regain 
both tongue mobility and jaw flexibility 
so he can eat more than a baby spoon worth of food
at a time.

I had NO idea of the long term implications of this procedure -
and wouldn't wish it on anyone I care about.
Overall though, he's doing SO much better than 3 months ago.
I thought he deserved a merit badge -
but those are hard to come by for adults.
A vintage pewter and inlay turquoise belt buckle was substituted
as a reminder of all he's overcome so far
and that seemed to please him as a tangible reminder.
He only lost 1 pound in the 3 months his jaw was wired shut- 
which the doctor said is a record.
He didn't have a lot, ok, he didn't have any, extra weight to begin with, 
so he was diligent about staying on top of that Ensure and Boost.
(2 cans every 3-4 hours)
I kept saying I was willing to be a fat donor ANYTIME 
but science hasn't advanced that far,
 Since returning home, 
there's been the usual rush of events, all marking the passage of time .
This one turned ONE - and continues to capture our hearts daily.

Her brother continues to take the adjustment of sharing the spotlight well
and is as sweet and loving as she is, although 6yr old boys don't want to hear that very often.
Let's hear it for Kindergarten 'operas' and roles in the chorus!
I'd say that he loves coming to my house because he loves his Nanny
and can still find things to play with in his 'treasure chest;
but, if I'm being honest, its really the draw of my next door neighbor 
and having a built in friend that's most appealing.
They were Covid buddies - and Clare was actually his first friend -
tossing a ball back and forth over the chain link fence while being socially distanced.
It's so much fun to see their relationship evolve
as they can play together  and 'roam ' the yards!
Pool and pizza parties are already planned for this summer when schools out!

VERY grateful for the time I get to spend with this sweet family
in the midst of their busy lives.
Still practicing finding beauty daily and creating some when/where I can.

Still making soul collage cards that I 'read' or consult daily as a way to stay focused.

How wonderful that they only have to make sense to me.

Such is retirement here in the Midwest.
I won't bore you with any political diatribes 
about Supreme Court Justices who should be impeached-
or have the decency to retire;
our broken political system in which one whole 'party' continues to spew hatred for democracy
and their fascist idiots who have taken over Congress
and the absolute necessity of amending the Constitution so that a convicted felon
cannot serve as President behind bars -
like a cult leader akin to Warren Jeffs.
Honest to God, can't believe the Founding Founders didn't see THAT possibility coming!

Maybe on another day, we can explore those issues 
but, right now,
my blood pressure is normal,
there's a lily bed in the garden that needs to be 'undone'
and there's more deck sitting called for while I admire
the new sun garden I made out of an infrequently used bird bath.
'Til next time.

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