
Thursday, August 8, 2024

9 years of descent

 I've thought about this a lot lately
 - and I'm sure many of you have too -
 but, for me, ever since DJT 
descended the golden escalator at T-rump Tower,
(in 2015)
he has taken the country on a downward trajectory 
filled with
and an unrelenting assault on all our senses
about everything I thought I knew and held dear about this country. 
I am NOT some Pollyanna with a dewy eyed vision
of what our country is, or has been;
I am NOT blind to our history of the genocide of indigenous people,
 nor of the enslavement of people stolen from their homelands to labor 
for the accumulation of wealth for others.
 I came of age during the 60's and 70's,
with plenty of reminders of how badly or misguided our government can behave
toward not only other countries but our own citizens.
But, for all the ways I believe our country
has room from improvement,
I believe the ideals upon which this country was founded,
are still worth fighting for -
and I believe we can't do that if we're divided and fighting each other.
All that being said, 
the change in atmosphere in the past 3 weeks has been extraordinary.
I feel a renewed sense of hope
and of possibility.
When was the last time we heard a candidate say 
they believed in the promise of this country?
For that matter, 
when was the last time you saw a candidate laugh and appear joyful?
Has DJT ever laughed -
not AT someone else -
but from a sense of gratitude or happiness?
I can't even picture it.
It's not in his DNA.
I'm choosing in this moment to be hopeful;
to believe that the hellscape DJT created and sustained 
may actually be diminishing;
that my fellow citizens might actually be choosing lightness and a way forward, together.
It's still not entirely clear if that will happen
but, for today, I'm choosing to believe it might.


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